How Many Steps Do People Take Per Day on Average?

Average daily steps

How Many Steps Do People Take Per Day on Average?

As wearable fitness trackers become more popular, people are becoming increasingly mindful of their daily step counts. Tracking steps has proven benefits, as individuals who monitor their activity levels tend to walk an average of 2,500 more steps daily than those who don’t, according to the American Council on Exercise.

Striving for the 10,000 steps-a-day goal? You’re in good company—and the effort is worth it. Regular walking offers numerous health benefits, including reduced risks of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, and even certain cancers like breast and colon cancer.

But how many steps does the average person really take daily? Let’s break it down.

Steps Per Day Statistics

CategoryDetailsAverage Steps Per DaySource
Children (<18)Younger kids (10,000–16,000); teens decrease with age10,000–16,0002011 Review
Adults (>18)General adult population4,000–18,0002011 Review
Men vs. WomenMales walk more from childhood through adulthoodMen: 5,340; Women: 4,9122010 Study
ProfessionsVaries by jobSee detailed table below2012 Research
CountriesGlobal step count trendsSee detailed table below2017 Study

Steps by Occupation

Your job significantly impacts your daily step count. Here’s how 10 professions ranked in a small Australian study:

OccupationAverage Steps Per DayDate
Retail Worker14,6602012
Stay-at-home Parent13,8132012
Office Worker7,5702012
Call Center Associate6,6182012

Steps by Country

Global step counts reveal interesting trends, influenced by factors such as obesity rates, walkability, and climate.

CountryAverage Steps Per DayDate
Hong Kong6,8802017
United Kingdom5,4442017
United States4,7742017

Recommendations for Daily Steps

To meet CDC guidelines, adults should aim for 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, equivalent to about 15,000 steps weekly (2,000 daily at a brisk pace). For additional health benefits, double that to 300 minutes per week, or 30,000 steps weekly.

While not every step needs to be brisk, a 10,000-step goal per day ensures a mix of moderate and vigorous activity for maximum health benefits.

Tips to Increase Your Step Count

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park farther away from entrances.
  • Walk with friends to make it enjoyable.
  • Clean your house for extra steps.
  • Take work breaks to go for a walk.
  • Walk indoors at a mall during poor weather.

By making these small changes, you can boost your daily activity and step closer to your fitness goals!

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